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Szilágyi Pál: The evaluation of the Hungarian sector inquiry in the online travel market. Nr. 2017/16.

Recently there is increased focus on the travel markets.[1] The Hungarian Competition Authority carried out a market analysis on the market of online hotel bookings. The final report was adopted in May 2016.[2] In this article, we will first give a detailed overview of the report and after that offer some comments on it.

The working paper is available for download here.

[1] See e.g. Szilágyi, Pál: Travel markets and competition law. PLWP 2017/14. Link:

[2] In Hungarian see here: Gazdasági Versenyhivatal: Végleges jelentés az online szálláshelyfoglalás piacán lefolytatott ágazati vizsgálatról. (2016).

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