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Pokol Béla: Künstliche Intelligenz: Die Entstehung einer neuen Seinsschicht? (KI – im Spiegel von Nicolai Hartmanns Ontologie). Nr. 2018/12.

The artificial intelligence in the functioning of modern societies is analysed in ontological cathegories based on the ontology of Nicolai Hartmann. By the enhanced artifial intelligence was not modified the hierarchy of the layers of being till now and machine intelligence can be seen as the enhancing of the special human forces. But if the autonom artificial intelligence could be self-organised in a digital platform completely in the future, then as a new evolutionary layer of being could be grasped theoretically. Its distinction from the exisiting layers of being would consist in the fact that this new layer could function without the substructure of the biological and mental entities, and that this new layer of being could intertwine with the physical being layer alone.

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