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OROSZI Fanni: The Hungarian Competition Authority’s Facebook case: right or wrong approach? Nr. 2021/7.

Big data is becoming the center of attention of many competition authorities in recent times, and the Hungarian Competition Authority is no exception to that. The paper takes a closer look at the Hungarian Competition Authority’s competition supervision procedure the subject of which was the social media platform provider Facebook and whether its communication regarding its services being “free” constitute in any way an unfair commercial practice. The paper proposes an alternative approach as regards the legal basis that the Hungarian Competition Authority could have taken when bringing its decision.

The working paper is available for download here.

  • Hits: 5911

OROSZI Fanni: Possible theories of harm as regards Amazon’s business practices. Nr. 2021/6.

In the paper I take a look at what competition law infringements could Amazon possibly be found to be in breach of, and I also describe what we know so far of the European Commission’s two cases involving Amazon. Based on the public information available so far as regards the two cases of the European Commission (Amazon Marketplace and Amazon Buy Box cases), it seems that they are both centered around leveraging of market power by some kind of preferential treatment, be it towards Amazon itself or its FBA sellers, however, the rest is yet to come.

The working paper is available for download here.

  • Hits: 2362

PAPP Zoltán: Revisiting some of the international public law implications of Air Traffic Services being qualified as exercise of public authority (acta iure imperii). Nr. 2021/05.

Abstract. The ongoing recast of the EU Single European Sky (SES) legislative package offers an opportunity to revisit and discuss selected pertinent international public law related aspects of the provision of Air Traffic Services (ATS) namely state responsibility, state liability and state immunity. This paper examines how the public authority characteristics of the provision of ATS carried out by Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) impacts the application of the above listed concepts of international law in the field of air navigation law.

The working paper is available for download here.

  • Hits: 2337

Czigle János Tamás: „Akié a munkahely, azé a vallás”- Újabb fejkendőügyek az EuB előtt. Nr. 2021/04.

A munkahelyi vallásszabadság kérdése egészen a közelmúltig igencsak mellőzött témának számított az Európai Unió Bírósága (a továbbiakban: EuB) előtt. Ez gyökeresen megváltozott az elmúlt években, ugyanis a luxembourgi bíróság olyan kérdésekben nyújtott iránymutatást, mint a vallási nézetek öltözeteken keresztül történő kifejezésének korlátozása, az egyházi kötődésű, valláson, szellemiségen vagy egyéb meggyőződésen alapuló munkáltatók által támasztott foglalkoztatási követelmények igazolhatósága, és az egyházi ünnepek esetlegesen diszkrimináló jellege. Ez a tanulmány az első témakörhöz kapcsolódik és három, az EuB előtt folyamatban lévő olyan ügyre fókuszál, melyekben a magánvállalkozások belső szabályzatai megtiltották a munkavállalók számára a vallási, politikai, világnézeti szimbólumok munkahelyi viseletét.

A műhelytanulmány letölthető innen.

  • Hits: 2326

SCHANDA Balázs: Religious life in exception. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic to the exercise of religion in Hungary. Nr. 2021/03

The paper provides for a brief overview of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic to the religious life of Hungary. Religious communities are generally exempted from restrictions, but their internal regulations adhere to the public limitations. Policies, however, show remarkable differences between denominations from almost normal public worship regimes to entirely on-line religious activities.

The working paper is available for download here.

  • Hits: 2473